Windows 11/Links Sits on Desktop

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Re: Windows 11/Links Sits on Desktop

Post by Kiwi_NZ »

morvio100 wrote: April 18th, 2023, 11:22 pm Do I need to edit, my links registry",,,,you may not need to.if the patches suffices.....some have gotten away with just the patch....and have not gone to the reg....most people run into probs with resolution issues advice...install the 3/4 patches.....see if Links fires up...if not....head into the reg,,,and make the two adjustments I mentioned...boooyyahhh,,,also be sure ya that Legacy box ticked and make sure that Links V1.07? final patch has been applied last :thumbup:
Kiwi_NZ wrote: April 18th, 2023, 7:42 pm
morvio100 wrote: April 18th, 2023, 1:08 pm Hi Kiwi.....follow instructions in the reg under display=mode ....change the 1 to 14 ....bbboooyaaa....2 change the 1 gb to 16 windows features'..put/type windows feautures in the search bar....tick legacy in the diag box that pops up the performance screenshot(your 2nd screenie) your 3060 is listed....(lucky for some 3060).....where the 3060 is listed that should say dx voodoo wrapper....change the res = change mode from 1 to 14 first....then run vood..o Kiwi...I run with Win if my instructions dont help I can do
Links loaded into widow mode , sat there , I could see the links icon top left, though the rest of links wasn't showing, only a black screen.
I'm still getting the above in bold txt , or links fires up an will drop?

Where is Legacy box ticked (found?)
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Re: Windows 11/Links Sits on Desktop

Post by morvio100 »

re windows features'..put/type windows feautures in the search bar....tick legacy in the diag box that pops up .....bbboooyaaa..i have win if youhave 11....suggest ya check the forum for win 11 solution....theres a thread for win 11 in here somewhere
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Re: Windows 11/Links Sits on Desktop

Post by Kiwi_NZ »

morvio100 wrote: April 19th, 2023, 12:05 am re windows features'..put/type windows feautures in the search bar....tick legacy in the diag box that pops up .....bbboooyaaa..i have win if youhave 11....suggest ya check the forum for win 11 solution....theres a thread for win 11 in here somewhere
Thanks for all your help :clapping: .
I couldn't find it though :dunno: So I searched google.

Found a step by step video : windows feautures : legacy

Followed it then

Rebooted my computer,
launched links,
but I'm still getting : blank/black screen once links opens :(
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Re: Windows 11/Links Sits on Desktop

Post by Boot »

Adelade wrote: April 18th, 2023, 1:24 pm
Boot wrote: April 18th, 2023, 8:07 amAs I've told you before, there have been multiple examples.
And I pointed out to you twice why its no good trusting examples, where people dont even respond to our suggestions, to mean that their hardware is incompatible with Links.
Oh this angle of yours is so tiresome, I already told you, no one here is calling themselves an expert. Its only in your head that we all here think we know best and dance around the table in our celebration of how smart we are. We just try our best to help in what ways we can.
Oh the irony again. You of all people blaming others for not being able to remember what people say. I take it youre going to keep ignoring the other parts of my post and still continue with your agenda then? I mean, at least you give me plenty good laughs, and as long as someone will be there to point out your terrible track record for keeping things straight, new people have a chance to avoid being misled by your inaccurate statements, so I mean Im personally fine with you sticking around with your jesting. Anyway, I'll take a test anytime about who among the two of us remember best those threads you're referring to. The people with the problems either didnt match your own hardware+OS criteria or they didnt follow up on what was recommended to them. There is one easy way to prove me wrong, just find and point to your examples. The only example you pointed to back then fits perfectly into the category I described.
Links won't work. He needs the patch. I feel sorry for all the people who won't have access to the patch. Being such a Links expert to call people trolls, hope you can create one for them? The patch won't be given out because of people like you. None of this is my problem, I am using the patch. :kicking: :thumbup: :laugh:
Sure, Kiwi_NZ, you indeed have the option to crawl up and kiss the boots of Boot in private message, promising him that you will never ever share with the rest of us the probably-not-fairytale miracle patch which he and his probably-not-fairytale-Links-community made. Ah but he will probably not share it with the excuse that you cant be trusted not to pass it on... You have to show contempt for me and the regulars on this website before they will share anything, so its probably best to say something rude to us first. Then your success will be guaranteed. Maybe.

I mean he might have some patch that does something useful, what do I know, there are certainly a lot of spiteful people around the internet who also happen to be crafty and can make game patches, but the evidence so far has shown that Boot ignores all pieces of info that doesnt fit with what he seemingly from the very start came here to do - declare doom - while mysteriously being unable to provide any sources. And he clearly hates Links Corner, but still sticks around to keep claiming stuff which was already debunked by a post from before he created his account (I have no idea how he's not too embarressed about that to show his face after that going on for so long). Does that sound like something a bored troll who likes causing disruption would do? And whether that indicates that his supposed miracle patch is real? Everyone can decide for themselves...

Otherwise, let us know if the DPI thing wont work Kiwi_NZ? If it doesnt, I see in your reg edit picture that you have Depth set to 0, I recommended 1 earlier (and trying Windowed at both 0 and 1)
No one types that much unless they are obsessive. I started my original post trying to pass on some helpful information and simply got attacked and called a troll. Others read this and found it typical of the people at this site so I guess had some pity on me and they were prepared to pass on the patch. No, I won't be sharing it with anyone, I gave my word. I think I pointed out to you there was another member here who clearly asked if a fix had been found for new processors so clearly I'm not the only troll. I don't know what the patch fixes but I do now know it fixes GPU problems along with anything else. My problems were all GPU related, the game ran fine.

I'm not interested in arguing with you any longer. It's clearly all you like to do. You've seen enough and will no doubt see more in the future. Swallow your pride, you're shameful.

Final note, did you know I also joined the PGA site you once referenced? Your claims are a little off as your .... friend hasn't been at his own site it appears for a very long time.
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Re: Windows 11/Links Sits on Desktop

Post by morvio100 »

Sorry to hear ya hit a wall Kiwi.....still reckon if ya fire dx;ll hit pay dirt...not impossible to have Links2k3 on W in 11...various people on here have it running perfectly on Win11....keep only real golf SIM....PS The dx vood..o wrapper will solve your issue
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Re: Windows 11/Links Sits on Desktop

Post by GoBucks »

Kiwi_NZ wrote: April 18th, 2023, 7:51 pm
GoBucks wrote: April 18th, 2023, 2:10 pm Kiwi, are you running a laptop or a desktop? And is the video card integrated or a regular card?
Desktop. I'm assuming its integrated (how would I find that info?)

What is the resolution of your monitor? Are you running Links V1.07? If you the answer to my 1st question, and the answer to my 2nd question is yes, you should be able to go to "Options/Graphics" and fin your resolution. Should be no need to mess with the registry,

1920 x 1080

No. At the moment this install is fresh , barring the above added help morvio100 has suggested.

At a guess, I need the 1.07 patch next to solve the black screen in links window mode?
Yes you do. If you follow the instructions in the link that you referenced ( and is provided earlier in this thread) you should be able to get up and running. V1.07 provides wide screen support. Should be no need to get into the registry.

What exactly have you installed?
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Re: Windows 11/Links Sits on Desktop

Post by Adelade »

Boot wrote: April 19th, 2023, 10:26 amobsessive
Are you talking to me or to your mirror? Dont flatter yourself though, a book could be written about the problems with your posts, I will type as much as I want to give newcomers a chance to see through you anytime you start your baseless broken record, thank you very much. You're free to stop anytime.
I started my original post trying to pass on some helpful information and simply got attacked
You were politely questioned, you failed to respond to about 30 things from various people, ignored clear evidence against your claim which was put right under your nose at least 3 times (you still havent made one single comment about it). Then you were called a troll, when you kept repeating your claim.
I think I pointed out to you there was another member here who clearly asked if a fix had been found for new processors so clearly I'm not the only troll.
Yes, that was one of the folks who didnt respond to the advice they were given. I can think of at least three times when it became fully clear that the person seeking tech help hadnt yet followed the previous key advice, so I think it happens a lot of the time.
I'm not interested in arguing with you any longer.
You have never argued, a person cant argue when they have no counterarguments.
You're reading the wrong book again. The only thing Im proud of is not being someone who willingly keeps coming to a place they hate for who knows what reason.
Final note, did you know I also joined the PGA site you once referenced? Your claims are a little off as your .... friend hasn't been at his own site it appears for a very long time.
I know he hasnt (at least not under that username), what does that have to do with anything? And I wonder why you're so fond of bringing him up all the time... :smile:
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Re: Windows 11/Links Sits on Desktop

Post by Kiwi_NZ »

GoBucks wrote: April 19th, 2023, 3:49 pm

Yes you do. If you follow the instructions in the link that you referenced ( and is provided earlier in this thread) you should be able to get up and running. V1.07 provides wide screen support. Should be no need to get into the registry.

What exactly have you installed?
I've uninstalled links, so nothing for now.

I'm about reinstall a fresh of links aka my download link and try , load links as carefully as I can following the step by step method.

Once I've done that will I then need to look at registry (no tech guru here) , to change the settings back to original (stock settings)
I'm assuming a fresh d/load of links wont require looking at registry or editing ?
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Re: Windows 11/Links Sits on Desktop

Post by Adelade »

The registry edit is mainly for allowing people to run the game in larger resolutions, Links itself doesnt offer many of the resolutions of modern monitors. If you want to run the game at your native 1920 x 1080 resolution, then I believe you will probably need it, but it seems wise to focus on just getting the game to run at all for now, regardless of the resolution. The registry edit is usually not needed to get the game running, but not everyone can get the game running with just the standard steps, then it can in some cases help to get the game to start, if a display issue happens to be the problem.

I recommend trying launching the game without changing anything in the registry first, then if it loads, you can enter Links graphics options menu to tweak many of them there instead. If something about the game doesnt work, the next recommendations will depend on what you report back about how the game behaved / how far you got before running into problems.
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Re: Windows 11/Links Sits on Desktop

Post by Kiwi_NZ »

Adelade wrote: April 19th, 2023, 9:35 pm The registry edit is mainly for allowing people to run the game in larger resolutions, Links itself doesnt offer many of the resolutions of modern monitors. If you want to run the game at your native 1920 x 1080 resolution, then I believe you will probably need it, but it seems wise to focus on just getting the game to run at all for now, regardless of the resolution. The registry edit is usually not needed to get the game running, but not everyone can get the game running with just the standard steps, then it can in some cases help to get the game to start, if a display issue happens to be the problem.

I recommend trying launching the game without changing anything in the registry first, then if it loads, you can enter Links graphics options menu to tweak many of them there instead. If something about the game doesnt work, the next recommendations will depend on what you report back about how the game behaved / how far you got before running into problems.
I've not changed a thing as yet, the question is : would the old settings (registry still be in place?)
I have a fresh install, no updates added

I Launch links

via LinksMMIII: loads then drops
and or LinksLauncher : loads then I get the links rectangle box with restart links
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