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Amedal GK
by Adelade

Note: This course contains 1024x1024 textures and can only be played in version 1.07 or later of Links 2003

Links Corner Course Database ID Number - 2510
Release Date CRZ Filesize Par Course Length
2020-02-04  85,668,877  bytes 72  7305 yards
Type Style CRZ Filename
FICTIONAL  WOODLAND  Amedal GK v1.00.crz 
Course ID Course Key
94099f4613e142e6ac20941ddd90a981  0df9d4a60dbf93f75d26ea69e77779cf 


Amedal GK is a fictional course set in inland Sweden. It is my first completed and released course and has technically been in development for around 13 years, heh. (see 'Backstory' in Readme) My goal and vision has always been a realistic course with realistic difficulty balance in harmony of what most of Swedish golf courses are like - park and woodland courses through mostly birch, pine and fir forest, often with ample amounts of water features. For the same reason greens are mostly fairly small and simple. It is a challenging course made for top pro tournament golf, while keeping that casual municipal flair and feel to it underneath at the same time. Focus in designing has always been on the gameplay aspect, and what I think I'm personally most satisfied with about the course is how the layout plays and its balancing, but of course everyone's tastes are different. Please do let me know what you think about any or all aspects of the course, all feedback is most welco

Recommendations and other info to read Beforehand:
-I feel the course is well balanced for Champ skill level, but it should play well for pro too, with fairways on basically all holes having specific areas that are more ideal and more challenging to hit.
-There's a bunch of water in play for the aggressive golfer, but with intelligent and respectful golf one may actually find that surprisingly little of it is necessarily confrontational.
-The course is well suited for play without the top cam (see hole previews).
-Fast green settings strongly recommended, I would say Mc/Mc at least, but maybe the faster the better. ALL pins are very deliberately placed, and none is on a more severe slope than 1/3 of the bottom BLI bar filled with yellow (most being flatter than that) which I can't imagine being too steep for anyone. I tested on firm(ch)/fast(ch) on the toughest greens, putting down from a higher green tier and it was still possible to get the ball to stop without rolling off the green or down yet another tier (but not necessarily within gimmie distances of the toughest pins, so obviously avoid ending up on the wrong tiers on Fc/Fc).
-Difficult pin positions are not necessarily on tougher slopes, but more so placed on green areas that are tougher or riskier to attack.
-I purposely kept underplanting fairly modest and not so dense, partly for optimization but also because being in tall grass is just annoying without knowing exactly how it behaves. Grasses and flowers have a slight dampening effect but very little, escaping the grassy deep rough is quite easy but not taking too little loft may be wise.
-I have attempted to create a look without too sharp shadows, so the course may look the best with skies that aren't too intensely sunny, and perhaps with shadows turned off. That said, I think it looks natural enough with clear skies and shadows turned on too.
-If Green Analyzer users encounter any problems (I don't know if they would or not) they can try a method of quickly opening the GA on a practice round on another course before exiting to Links menu and then starting their round on Amedal. Either way, Hole Previews are designed to show in-general green elevations, so it may be a non-issue (let me know if not).

Features included:
-1024 x 1024 textures
-Custom colour editing of all textures and objects
-Detailed Hole previews
-Hole Handicaps
-18 pins and 5 tees per hole
-Custom 3D Clubhouse and Restaurant
-Tournament Objects (sparingly), and Crowds
-Custom unique flags, tee markers, splash screens, logo, pano
-Custom sounds (sparingly)
-Full Seam Blending
-(Separately attached) Recorded round by Amedal Greenkeeper at Breezy M/Fc

Please do check the README at least for the credits. But also a statement about sharing of APCD assents, design backstory and contact info.

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