Newbie question - re Swing types

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Newbie question - re Swing types

Post by morvio100 »

Hey Linksters, I wonder can someone provide details/or confirm as to whether or not the 3 click type has various different swing meter speeds in relation to various different clubs as in the sand wedge meter(when in a bunker) is a lot faster than a normal swing meter of the tee for example putter quite slow, pitching wedge meter quite slow, hitting a flop when a chip shot is more recommended the down swing speed on the meter will typically be blistering fast as opposed to the up swing speed.... and so on...

second part of the question//

Noticed some old style linksters use the powersrtoke type, I think this has been reported as the most difficult swing type, do you lose accuracy/ and finesse to shot set-up using this swing type??..or alternately does this shot type ADD greater finesse???

The RTS type seems to be quite popular...but some complain as to the accuracy and finesse when putting...but like the simplicity it offers to driving

NB : Also does swing meter speed vary from course to course, and is the swing meter effected by courses settingS as in green firmness medium to fast etc...

Thoughts on swing types there Pros and Cons welcome....

Last edited by morvio100 on June 10th, 2022, 9:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Newbie question - re Swing types

Post by Adelade »

About swing meter speeds: Chipping and putting swing meters have slower speeds than normal shots, and for me, the swing meter speed for short putts in particular varies a lot from time to time, but otherwise Ive personally never felt like shots had different speeds.

Each computer's ability to run the game smoothly will have an effect on the swing speed though, and a lot of different things can have an effect on that. For example, if the computer is doing a lot of temporary work in the background, or if its just slow in general. The settings within Links can effect that too, if they're put too high for example, and/or if the course in question is a slow-rendering one. Certain parts of certain courses load significantly slower than other parts of that same course, which might make the swing meter seem slower here and there if the computer is struggling to run Links at full speed. In my experience, the FPS (frames per second) counter in the game cant be trusted at all when it comes to swing meter slowdown, because it kept showing high, stable fps at times when I definitely had swing meter slowdowns caused by computer slowness.

I cant imagine green settings having any effect on swing meter speed.

About Swing Types: Im sure some people who have more experience with the swing types will be along to answer, but from my experience of comparing stats and hearing people talk about it -

With RTS - hitting straight is easy, but distance control is difficult. Basically the inverse of Champ+Classic or Elite+Classic, where hitting straight is difficult, but distance control is easy. On PowerStroke, both of them are difficult :tongue:

A while back, I complied and compared some stats from LSPN for the different swing types and difficulty levels: viewtopic.php?p=10074#p10074
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Re: Newbie question - re Swing types

Post by morvio100 »

Thank you for the link Adelade...great work....
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Re: Newbie question - re Swing types

Post by Danny D »

I was a PSer for several years. In my own personal experience, I would say that PS is easier than RTS in that with PS, every swing can be made with the same tempo and speed. That includes putting and chipping and all other clubs. The chip club and the putter distances are regulated by where you "drop" the little purple line marker on your swing gauge. There is no little purple line to drop with full clubs. Once the purple line is dropped at the distance you want, you then make a full swing, like you would with a driver or any other full club. The trick with PS is to make a swing that allows you to get closest to the "snap" line every time. That is not achieved by swinging softer, or harder, but rather by setting the swing speed adjustment to match your swing tempo. If you find you are mostly hitting PAST the snap, then set the swing speed adjustment to slower. If you are mostly coming up short of the snap, then set your swing speed adjustment to faster. All distances are achieved by choosing the right club, NOT by changing the power of your swing or tempo. Longer chips can be achieved by dropping the purple line all the way back, and then clicking DOWN on your club head (I believe that's called "hooding" the club.) If my memory serves, seems like I can chip a PW chipper about 55 to 60 yards, which is about the same distance you might hit a full up SW. Bottom line is, correct distances are achieved by setting up the right club, NOT by swinging one harder or softer.

One major myth that most newbies come away with in PS is that, the harder or faster you swing, the further you can hit the ball. Or the softer you swing the club, the less distance it will go. Not true. You must develop a consistent tempo that allows you to hit the snap the most consistently. Once you have a consistent tempo that allows you to hit the snap, you must accept whatever club head speed the game gives you. Never try to make soft or hard swings. It just will not work with PS.

Another myth is that, the faster your swing speed adjustment is set, the higher your club head speed will be. In reality, the the faster your swing speed adjustment is set, the more you will lose control of hitting the snap. The trick is to set the swing speed adjustment to the spot where you hit the snap the most. Hitting PAST the snap with cause a slice, while hitting BEFORE the snap will cause a hook.

One downside of PS is that you can't set your club up for hooks or slices. You must hit before or after the snap to create a hook or a slice.

Hope that helps,

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Re: Newbie question - re Swing types

Post by Jimbo »

One thing about clicking that I've found is that, the "longer" the club, the more you'll br punished if you miss the "click point"...and the long clubs seem to have a faster swing speed too.
So take your driver and head for the range! :smile:

BTW, great to see "Newbies". This is still the most "relevant" golf sim! :thumbup:
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Re: Newbie question - re Swing types

Post by morvio100 »

Thank you Dan and Jimbo...some nice detailed info on the PS the thing, done a search for a tutorial on the PS swing.Youtube/both forums ....., for the life of me I couldn't find one..the tutorial for the PS on the manual is very basic...would be terrific going forward..if some experienced Linkster...upped one (Vid or detailed text tutorial)to the forums/archive "Playing Links" (a youtube vid would probably be best)....for future a reference I write this I haven't even bothered to check the practice/lessons in Links should prob check them

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Re: Newbie question - re Swing types

Post by dko »

I've been a classic swing guy from the beginning many moons ago, and believe that it leads to more realistic statistics for shot accuracy when compared with the pros.

I tried both the PS and RTS a bit; no clue on how to hit PS, and after a bit found that while RTS felt more like a "real" swing, and I could hit the fairway on drives a high percentage of the time, other shots didn't seem to react quite right and I was hopeless around the greens.

I also completely agree with Jimbo on both of his observations. The swing speed and accuracy seem to change with club distance, and it's always great to see newbies. And I rely a great deal on the ability to draw and fade the ball.
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Re: Newbie question - re Swing types

Post by morvio100 »

Thanks Doug....I checked out the PS lesson..I think your right ...the PS is quite finnicky regards if you intentionally wanna hook a ball slightly(not referring to shot set up)...I think using PS and RTS lacks the ability to generate backspin aswell if you want to go a club short and really hoofit/speer it into the green as good old Peter Aliis would say (kudos to whoever created the UK 2 great!)...both are fun though...cant believe some of the old style Linksters stick with the PS...presume the greatly majority must bald from pulling their out....reckon 3 click at Champ/Elite is the way....+1
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Re: Newbie question - re Swing types

Post by pmgolf »

I used 2-click for over 10 years in the beginning of Links' life. In that time, my impression was that the swing meter speed was the same with every full swing. I say that because I had to spend a few minutes hitting swing after swing to adapt myself to the rhythm and pace of the swing before I started my round. With swing after swing - shot after shot, it's strictly a matter of timing. Speaking as a career computer programmer, I can't imagine how complex the coding must be for recreating a golf swing - much less creating 13 different swing-meter speeds for all the different clubs in your virtual golf bag. And why would anyone want to create a different swing-meter speed for each club anyway? :wallbash: :rofl:

Links is an attempt to create a computerized version of the real-life game of golf. In the real-life game, the best players spend hours and hours perfecting their swings. They don't spend all those hours hitting a 3-iron at one swing speed, and a 7 iron at a different swing speed, and a pitching wedge at still another swing speed - right? Remember, we're talking full swings here. (that person knocking on your front door is Mr. Common Sense - please let him come in)

Time the swing meter speed and see for yourself. As for the other theories, remember that computers don't think for themselves - they do what they are programmed to do. And it's certainly easier to program one swing speed, and let all the players that are clickers, RTS swingers, and PS swingers, and all the different conditions for green hardness and firmness, and players hitting half shots and three-quarter shots, adapt themselves to that one swing speed.

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Re: Newbie question - re Swing types

Post by morvio100 »

Thanks Pete...although I get your point of view...still remains the fact that, as pointed out in the first post for example - there is still the case of the sand wedge/flop shot while in a bunker(3 click talking about)...test it..sure you clearly ups and downs alot faster than iorn/wood and so on....I tend to agree with Jimbo on this one...there seems to be varying degrees of speed to certain swings/and club choices/ and shot type choice -punch/flop etc etc....each to their own I guess...thank you for your opinion though.... :thumbup:
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