APCD with 2001 Planting Set

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Links Corner
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APCD with 2001 Planting Set

Post by Links Corner »

This is the APCD with the 2001 Planting Set included. Please read the following BEFORE downloading.

Many thanks to Danny D
Hi everyone...

I have something here that will make everyone's APCD life much easier. In short, it's a fully functional new installation of the APCD with the 2001 Object Library included. This will solve the "Library Merge" problem that some designers have when trying to install the 2001 object library files.

Here are the details on how this file was created.

First take note that the APCD program is self-contained within it's own main folder and does not have additional folders located in other places on your hard drive. Only 1 folder needed.

To start with I did a new installation of the APCD.

Next I did the "library merge" function so that both the 2001 and 2003 object libraries are installed and present. All files were successfully copied and merged into the "OBJECTS" folder.

As soon as it was completed, I viewed the files and folders to make sure they were all there, and then I immediately zipped up the entire program. The enclosed program in it's existing state, has never been launched, and no courses have ever been opened in it. Be sure and save several backup copies before you install it for use.

It's super easy to put on your computer. Here's how...

After you've downloaded the zip file, you need to decide what drive you want to put the APCD on. Create a folder and name it anything you want. I prefer to name it the same name as the course I will be building. An example might be something like C:\APCD-Foggy Mountain CC.

Locate the ZIP file that you downloaded and right-click on it. Choose "EXTRACT ALL", and then browse to and select the new folder you created. Be patient, there are over four thousand files and it might take a few minutes. Total file size is over 530mb.

Next create a shortcut to the APCD.EXE file in the main folder and place it on your desktop. After that, edit the properties of the shortcut and select "Run as Administrator". You might also do the same to the APCD.EXE file.

That's it. Nothing else to do. You now have an APCD with both object libraries. Just open up your course in it and start to work. Also be aware that you should now be able to open other designers UNLOCKED courses and see their 3D plantings instead of getting that annoying error that 3D objects will be stripped from the course.

NOTE: This APCD still only contains the default 2003 planting set. None of the 2001 2D or 3D objects have been added to it yet. It will be up to you to add the 2001 objects to your planting set. They are available in the OBJECT LIBRARY for transfer to your existing planting set.

Good luck,

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