Maybe it's just the Thursday and Friday rounds, maybe because it's Tour Championship week, maybe it's because the game is televised locally (making it an evening event in the East also on the NBC Sports Channel in the US), maybe the spectators who are there have never watched a game from Phoenix and don't know why there's a huge grandstand surrounding the 17th hole called '"The Rink" (including a Zamboni machine), maybe it's the three-digit ticket prices (including Ticketmaster's "administration" fee, , OR MAYBE BECAUSE THE CANADIAN FOOTBALL LEAGUE, IN IT'S INFINITE WISDOM, DECIDED TO SCHEDULE A BC LIONS' HOME GAME TONIGHT (they've only known for 2 years since the Pandemic moved the Ottawa date ahead a year). but the crowds really look "modest"-as in not much bigger than when I was there for the first practice day ($20 plus "administration" that made $20 turn into $30 PDQ)
There are nine teams in the CFL, meaning that one team gets a bye every week (I remember 1st grade math).
The game starts at 4:00 out here so the folks in Toronto won't go to bed instead.
Guess what time the golf coverage starts...
Brooke Henderson scrambled to make the cut so maybe...
Some shots from Tuesday's practise round-I'll resize some more later-or just drag and drop...
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- Partial Clubhouse.jpg (852.52 KiB) Viewed 12660 times
- Putting Green and The Building South View.jpg (331.47 KiB) Viewed 12660 times
It was a blast! It's in Calgary next year...I'll send some more pics in about an hour.
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- 18th Tee.jpg (92.08 KiB) Viewed 12618 times
- 18th Green.jpg (30.71 KiB) Viewed 12618 times
- 15th Fairway.jpg (65.7 KiB) Viewed 12618 times
- 10th Tee with Sponsors.jpg (1.61 MiB) Viewed 12618 times
- 5th Tee.jpg (1.19 MiB) Viewed 12618 times
- 5th Tee 2.jpg (2 MiB) Viewed 12618 times
Re: CPKC WOMEN"S OPEN promised...
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- Clubhouse Front.jpg (59.92 KiB) Viewed 12608 times
- Clubhouse Back 1.jpg (1.01 MiB) Viewed 12608 times
- Building West Side.jpg (88.21 KiB) Viewed 12608 times
- Building South Side.jpg (1.98 MiB) Viewed 12608 times
- Bridge from 10th Green to 11th Tee.jpg (1.98 MiB) Viewed 12608 times
- Between 9 and 10.jpg (1.28 MiB) Viewed 12608 times