I Figured It Out...New Player Anis Coming

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Re: I Figured It Out...New Player Anis Coming

Post by PinHi »


Just went through another review of you ani models

Aaron Baddeley - Face darker than arms - Dark eyes.
Corey Pavin - Face is greyish - Dark eyes.
Craig Stadler - Skin seems to light in colour and dark eyes.
Donnie Hammond - Black around mouth and nose - does`nt look like a moustache if it is supposed to be one
Don Pooley - As above black around nose and mouth.
Jason Day - Face dark - dark eyes.
John Mahaffey - Skin seems whiter than normal - dark eyes.
Mark Omeara - Dark eyes - did he have a moustache?
Russell Henley - Face seems whitish - maybe a face lift.

The Excellent

Andy Bean
Ben Crenshaw - Black nose tip.
Bo Van Pelt - Dark eyes.
Brendan Todd - Dark eyes.
Charl Schwartzel - Dark eyes.
Curtis Strange - Dark eyes.
Fuzzy Zoeller - Dark eyes.
Graham Delaet - Dark eyes.
Hal Sutton - Dark eyes.
Hunter Mahan - Greyish face.
Jason Dufner - Dark eyes.
Jimmy Walker - Dark eyes.
Justin Leonard - Dark eyes.
Justin Rose - Dark eyes.
Keegan Bradley - Dark eyes.
Lanny Watkins -
Raymond Floyd -
Ryan Palmer - Dark eyes.
Tiger Woods JC2 - Could be a tad darker but not as dark as Tiger Woods JC.
Tom Watson - Dark eyes.
Trevor Immelman - Dark eyes.
Webb Simpson - Dark eyes.

The Awesome

Brandt Snedeker Rory Sabatini
Bruce Leitzke Steve Stricker
Gil Morgan Tom Kite
Greg Norman Zach Johnson
Jordan Speith
Matt Kucher
Peter Jacobsen

My review - one person`s opinion. Awesome work on these models. A lot would move from excellent to awesome if there was a way to clear up those dark eyes. Maybe just too intricate to do.
All in all - great job and love the different coloured hats, shirts, pants and shoes that you have made available. Would be so nice if there was a way to super impose an image of each player
on their model - like Trump does on superman :rofl: . I will let someone else follow up with a review - as you probably had enough of my reviews and I would`nt blame you. Thank you for all your hard work! :tiphat:
Big Sexy JC
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Re: I Figured It Out...New Player Anis Coming

Post by Big Sexy JC »

New anis uploaded tonight.

2015 Season:
Brooks Koepka
Hideki Matsuyama
Lucas Glover
Willy Wilcox (never heard of him before creating him)

1985 Season:
Larry Mize

Tonight marked 3 weeks since I first figured out how to create new anis. Based on the feedback on some of the anis, it's pretty easy to tell where the biggest learning curve has been. Without a doubt getting the skin tones correct and finding the correct picture to use for the face has caused most of the issues. I said this early on in one of my posts, but knowing what I know right now and the process I'm using now to create anis vs. what I knew and the process I used when I first started couldn't be further apart. The ones I posted tonight are the first ones that I utilized the newest process on, so I think they are some of the better ones. I still don't think they are perfect, but they are taking less time to create and coming out much better so that's a win win.

I'm now starting to toy with different skin textures and have a way of getting skin tones better using a spreadsheet and a math formula (yes math) and a skin tone template I found on Google (never thought I'd search for that during my lifetime). I still think the biggest challenge with the older players though is finding a good picture. Some of those older pics have odd lighting that doesn't translate to the game well. Some of the dark eye issues are caused from using pics of players with hats on. Obviously, a players eyes will be darker in a photo if he's wearing a hat so I'm trying to avoid those pics now if at all possible.

I believe after the 5 I uploaded tonight that I'm at about 50 anis created in these 3 weeks. There are roughly 100 anis on the old animasters website. I have no idea how many years the anis on that website spanned, but I do think I will get to 100 created by April, so if nothing else I'm on a better pace at getting them out.
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Re: I Figured It Out...New Player Anis Coming

Post by pmgolf »

Are you going to do or re-do any of the less reactive* ani's like James Braid, JH Taylor, Norm or Sir Sean Connery?

* their reaction to a bad shot isn't kicking the club or acting like a spoiled teenager.

Big Sexy JC
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Re: I Figured It Out...New Player Anis Coming

Post by Big Sexy JC »


James Braid's and JH Taylor's anis are locked (have I mentioned how frustrating that is?) so I can't do anything with those. Sir Sean Connery's ani is unlocked EXCEPT for the face file, which means I could replace clothing, hats, shoes, etc., but it would still be his face. The good news is that NORM is completely unlocked and available to modify. It looks like I could make that pretty much whatever I wanted within the limits of the existing animation. It currently has 1 face, 4 pants, 10 shirts, 2 shoes and skin files. The skin files are important as they allow me to modify the race/skin tone of the animation so there really are no limits on who I could create using the NORM ani as the source.

Can you give me specifics on what you are wanting and I can let you know if I can knock it out? I'm actually caught up on creating anis until my next season ends so I could possibly accommodate your request. Keep in mind that the NORM ani doesn't have a hat, so anything created using that as the source won't have a hat.
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Re: I Figured It Out...New Player Anis Coming

Post by pmgolf »

I'd like to see Norm looking a little older, with grey hair. Thanks!

Big Sexy JC
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Re: I Figured It Out...New Player Anis Coming

Post by Big Sexy JC »


Try these and let me know what you think. There are 5 older NORM anis in the below folder. I basically took the faces from Senior Russell and replaced the young NORM with those. Then I took the existing NORM face and added gray hair. Hopefully they are what you were looking for. If not, let me know and I'll try to get you what you want.

https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... sp=sharing
Big Sexy JC
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Re: I Figured It Out...New Player Anis Coming

Post by Big Sexy JC »

4 new anis uploaded tonight from the 1986 season. Nothing too exciting with any of these, but 4 more marked off the list nonetheless.

Bob Tway (Visor)
Paul Azinger (Visor)
Tom Purtzer (Visor)
Scott Hoch (Payne Stewart type of apparel)
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Re: I Figured It Out...New Player Anis Coming

Post by morvio100 »

Wonder if it possible...to create some extreme bad weather/wind-breaker jackets and rainy condition apparel for some of the coastal/links type courses...or would you have to remodel the ani mesh entirely to do something like that... :bookh:
Big Sexy JC
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Re: I Figured It Out...New Player Anis Coming

Post by Big Sexy JC »


The only way to add long sleeves is how I've done it with Justin Rose, Webb Simpson and Jimmy Walker. If you haven't looked at those anis check them out to give you an idea of what it looks like. The only limitation I have with the sleeves is that I only have one set of skin files with the animation that isn't locked that I'm making the anis from. That means I'm forced to create a single set of sleeves that matches the other shirts I give the golfer.

If I were to make an animation like you described I would need to basically create the animation with a single "jacket" that has matching sleeves, but it would be the only option as a shirt/top because any jacket of a different color wouldn't match up with the sleeves. What would be ideal is to have an unlocked ani that offered me more skins so I could setup an animation with 4 or 5 different jackets. Unfortunately, all those anis are locked.
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Re: I Figured It Out...New Player Anis Coming

Post by morvio100 »

Hey JC, what typre of file is the ani...is it not some form of mesh that can be manipulated in some 3ds max or similar software and then converted/reconverted ...exported back into Lk3 etc...and Then start applying/creating a texture...2/ is the ani ..(animation=motion not a editable form lets say ie...a skelton/bones structure...that can be customized to exactly how someone would IDEALLY like the ani to behave....ie...can anis reactions/style be created from scratch or can a existing UNLOCKED ani be edited to create a set of reaction. or swing type from scratch

ps..."Unfortunately, all those anis are locked....why the heck did those guys ...LOCK their ani's anyways....didn't they think of the people coming after them/ ie wanting to further the development of Links....kinda mean spirited and petty...if ya want my honest opinion...anyways JC great work.. :thumbup:
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