Folder For Golfer Hats?

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Folder For Golfer Hats?

Post by 1PuttJeff »

I would like to download some new hat/cap styles for my LInks golfers, but am not sure what folder they should be downloaded to? If anyone can assist me with this, I would appreciate it. Thanks! :helpsmilie:
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Re: Folder For Golfer Hats?

Post by gator »

Hats, like shirts, pants, and shoes are part of the ani file itself. They are not separate like the clubs are. You would have to edit your ani file to change hats. And not all hats will work with all anis. Some of them wear visors.
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Re: Folder For Golfer Hats?

Post by 1PuttJeff »

Thanks for your reply to my post, Gator!

So, you mentioned that I would have to edit the "ani" file first before adding hats to my golfer. Is it difficult to edit the "ani" file? I haven't really experiemented too much with this in the past. Yes, I realize that not all of the hats will work with every golfer either, as some wear visors.
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Re: Folder For Golfer Hats?

Post by gator »

You need to use the 'Golfer Utility Program' to edit what an ani is wearing. It can be found here - viewtopic.php?f=17&t=63, along with a couple tutorials.

As I recall, each ani is created with a specific number of shirts, pants, shoes, and hats. You cannot just add to that number. For each item you want to add, you have to remove one of the same types of item and the new one you are adding (replacing) has to be named/numbered the same as the one you remove. I think the tutorials go into all of that.

Sadly, the folks who created Links Animasters ( are no longer creating new anis. At least not in a very long time.
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Re: Folder For Golfer Hats?

Post by 1PuttJeff »

Okay, I appreciate your explanation as to how to edit a golfer file using the "Golfer Utility Program." I am not sure if I will try to do that, but I could always just select a different golfer to use in the game. Currently, I use the golfer who name is "Matt" as my likeness, but I could change to someone else who may have a different wardrobe. :thumbup:
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Re: Folder For Golfer Hats?

Post by Big Sexy JC »


If you are already using Matt as your golfer, I would recommend downloading the anipro2 ani file and using that. It's basically a golfer with shorts, but comes with multiple faces and about 10-20 different hat, shorts, shoes and shirt combinations. If you get comfortable with the golfer utility, you can also use the anipro1 shoes, shirts, hats and create even more combos.

I did that only in reverse. I took the anipro2 shirts, hats and shoes and replaced the ones on anipro1 and saved it as anipro3. So now I have the 10 faces that come with anipro1, but have about 40 combinations.

I've done a bunch of new anis by re-arranging faces, clothing, etc.. If there is any interest in me uploading those anis for others to use just let me know. For example, I took the Warnie face and added it to the Darren Clarke ani with a visor and made a Brandt Snedeker ani based off clothing he had in getty images photos. Almost infinite possibilities.
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Re: Folder For Golfer Hats?

Post by 1PuttJeff »

Okay, thanks! I will download the "anipro" golfer combinations. :thumbup:

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