Course Database CSV dump

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Course Database CSV dump

Post by Links Corner »

I thought it might be of interest to some members to release the Links Corner Course Database as a .csv file which should be readable in Excel or any other spreadsheet.

I have added a feature to the main course page of Links Corner to permit everyone to download a csv dump of the course database whenever they wish.

Feel free to try it out.

I know the dump file will open directly in Excel 2010 but I can't vouch for any other versions or programs.

Some of the field entries that are not obvious to the eye are listed here.


R Real
F Fictional
I Imaginary
U Unknown


A Alpha
B Beta
D Demo
F Final


D Desert
W Woodland
O Ocean
P Parkland
L Links
H Heathland
M Mountain
T Tropical
U Unclassified


f AvailableFree
d Discontinued
c Converted (MS)
o Offsite (P2P)

Here is dump file of the database as it stands today.

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Re: Course Database CSV dump

Post by migolfer »

With well over 2000 courses in the list, it is kind of overwhelming to skim through it and look for a gem that I might not have downloaded or played yet. Since 2002 (or earlier) I have gathered about 500 and sorted into a couple of subjective, crude categories: 2001 vs. 2003 courses; better vs. best vs. others.

How to decide what to get that is outside the "obvious" downloads? One way might be to look at the number of times the course has been downloaded. I do not see that data in the CSV. If it were available, I would imagine it would be included already, but it is not there. Is this data available on your servers? Could it be included in the CSV? I realize folks get the courses from other sources, but this may be the primary source for most players.

I do know that, which used to be the repository of these files (right?), reported the #downloads. (Years ago I used to check to see how many downloads there were of my 1st+only course design - just wanted some assurance it didn't stay at zero. haha)

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Re: Course Database CSV dump

Post by Jimbo »

Now that I'm back "on course" I thought I'd try an analysis of the Real Courses in order to bring some order to my course list...PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS NOT AN OFFICIAL NITPICK.

With no disrespect to our great designers when they're doing a lot of courses they'll concentrate on only one type of course (usually a custom design simply because there are so many different options-that's why I'm only looking at the real courses. Here's what I found (and it may not be 100% accurate-I included all versions of duplicates).but it's close enough.

Of the 683 Real courses (as of today and not counting Betas) and no less than 454 are "remakes" of previous existing courses (check Augusta), meaning that as far as Real curses are concerned we only have 229 actual different Real Courses!
Quite a few are Microsoft so if you have all the discs be cautious! :scared:

To our great designers, there have been some people who have given "Wish Lists" in the past...I'm guessing that if we can coordinate our efforts this will no longer be an issue.

Of course I'd be more than willing to expand my Nitpicking service. :thumbup:
...after the new year (a promise is a promise...)
Duplicate Real courses.xlsx
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Re: Course Database CSV dump

Post by Jimbo »

Migolfer-if you want real courses take a look at what I just downloaded. I'd be inclined to use the course with the highest number (the newest)-unless there's a special tournament version.

For what it's worth there are a couple of Canadian tournaments "out there" that don't appear on the list-one is Beta and the other is Final.

:clapping: GO WINGS!
Last edited by Jimbo on November 28th, 2022, 7:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Course Database CSV dump

Post by Jimbo »

If any Linksters have a better suggestion after looking ay my list feel free to make a post giving me HE Double Gordie Howe Hockey Sticks! :whistle:
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