The good news is a 4 year extension-CP has purchased KC giving them a rail access to Mexico but that's not the issue. I know that the Tour Championship is this weekend but that shouldn't be an issue with Vancouverites, especially since this will probably be the last tournament ever at Shaughnessy.
Today’s opening round didn’t appear to have any more people that I saw on the first practice day. The “rink” hole was noticeably quiet and empty (There might have been a Ticketmaster surcharge (among their other surcharges)) but still I don’t think that the fans there knew that they were supposed to make a lot of noise…Canadians are so polite, except when it’s hockey-and even then there’s a handshake line after the Stanley Cup (after pounding the crap out of each other)…maybe full-contact golf…
As I told Chuck (I’m still “editing” pictures) the tournament gave a whole new definition to the term “Tournament Objects” that blocked some of my shots of the clubhouse, if you can believe it-it’s rather “modest” anyway-(especially compared to St. George’s)…as well as other parts of the course that are roped off. I also learned that a 71 year old Nitpicker with a bad leg simply can’t nitpick 18 holes in six hours, so I concentrated on the back nine (especially 9, 10 and 11 that run beside the Fraser)-the River got spiffed up too, turning blue instead of its normal brown.
As for Canadians hoping to duplicate Nick Taylor's performance, Brooke Henderson is having an off-year and it happened again today-she’s started wearing glasses, maybe contacts would be a better choice-I’m not being sarcastic, I speak from personal experience…anyway she’s three over and will have to put together something great in order to make the weekend-but fear not Canucks-Yuka Saso leads at six under but our Alena Sharp is only 3 shots back…Brooke Rivers is 1 under par too.
The weather on the lower mainland and the Island is cool and sunny...the folks in the north and Alaska are still in desperate need of rain.