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East Mountain Golf Club
by Benjamin Mumma

Links Corner Course Database ID Number - 1854
Release Date CRZ Filesize Par Course Length
2008-11-10  25,481,216  bytes 72  7964 yards
Type Style CRZ Filename
FICTIONAL  MOUNTAIN  East Mountain v2_locked.crz 
Course ID Course Key


East Mountain was released over a year ago, but due to an inordinate amount of 2d objects, loading times made it unplayable for many. I have finally been able to completely replant the course. It is now very quick to load and should run well on all computers. Please see the readme for additional information. Any questions or comments can be directed to bam310(at)
Thank you and enjoy!
Benjamin Mumma

CLIPNOTES by Ben Bateson (ousgg)

Imaginary, mountain course
‘Somewhere in Montana’ is the slightly sarcastic location given in the Readme
The steep elevations would be really interesting on something like F*/S*
Concept  7/10
East Mountain falls into the 'larger than life' category inhabited by Devils' Lake and Wolves Lair. There, however, the resemblance stops. It's a surprisingly welcoming and unintimidating course, naturally featuring the towering elevations to best advantage, but also some country club sensibilities in its open fairways and grassland underplanting. Well backed up by a daft back-story and the evidence of plenty of years of tenderness, it makes a surprisingly accommodating host.
Appearance  6/10
Despite the monster file size, there's not a huge amount on display here. Sure, the use of elevations affords some impressive views. But the planting varies from the forced to the cloned, and there's a disappointing lack of customisation. The rockwork is acceptable, but that's really all that can be said of the course as a whole.
Playability  7/10
Inexplicably long render times will affect your game, which is a shame, because you really should be having a whale of a time around this course. The greens are beautifully inviting and the course gives you every opportunity to make some really gutsy plays. The towering elevations, when played with conditions that present plenty of roll, are an absolute blast!
Challenge  4/10
Despite being the best part of 8000 yards, East Mountain is inexplicably easy. GIRs are a cinch to make, and the hazarding is more marginal than threatening. The final hole, while a terrific trademark, never really delivers on the threat that it promises. I wouldn't say it's disappointing, but this ain't no Pine Forest Hills
Technical  6/10
A course designed for plenty of fun, and there's no doubt that the designer has hit his objective. The visuals are a mixed bag, with quite a lot of hard edges and clones requiring polish, but there's a little impressiveness in this large and lavish creation.
Overall A huge creation, designed almost explicitly to take your most ripping shots 30/50
Please remember that Clipnote reviews are the opinion of one person and do not constitute an 'Official' Links Corner review of the course.


 Votes cast
Ace0 %0
Eagle69 %11
Birdie25 %4
Par6 %1
Bogey or worse0 %0

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